Digital art of Ravvy wearing a backpack and looking into the distance

Hi, I’m Ravvy! I have been gaming for over 40 years, and I love playing a wide variety of games (mostly on pc, mobile & switch). I love MMOs, MOBAs, crafting/life/farm sims, puzzles, and management games. This site is the home of my game review blog, with links to my streams, videos, and social media. 

My general preferred vibe when gaming is to have fun and relax. I have a tendency to get motion sickness in many 1st person views, and have some minor physical limitations with my hands which can impact some game play. All this really means is that you are much more likely to find reviews for games where I am playing in a 3rd person perspective at a relaxed pace. There won’t be much intense PvP FPS content here, as that’s not my jam and I don’t think I’d be a fair critic of that style of game. I’ll share my thoughts on games in genres I tend to prefer, which I think will be most useful to folks who enjoy a similar style of game play.

I’m glad to have you here with me. Please make yourself at home!

game reviews & news


Click on a category for game reviews in that genre or visit the Reviews & News main page to search and explore.


Ravvy’s current primary MMORPG is New World, by AGS. Her primary MOBAs are Treamfight Tactics and League of Legends, both by Riot Games. See reviews of New World, TFT, LoL and more .

anime style image of female gardening

Life Sims/Adventure Games

Life Sims, Adventure Games, Farming/Crafting/Cozy games are favorites of Ravvy for relaxing downtime. Read reviews of Life Sims/Adventure Games.

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Roblox Experiences

Ravvy plays a variety of Roblox experiences, primarily with her children. Roblox reviews will be a mix – some reviews will be written by Ravvy and some by the kids.

neon jigsaw puzzle pieces

Puzzle/Logic Games

A favorite way for Ravvy to unwind, puzzle and logic games are a favorite way for her to focus her mind and clear it of other noise.


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